Thursday, July 13, 2017


The sentence describing the story. Maybe two sentences. No more than that.
I really don’t want a lot here.

Headline for the main story

            DATELINE, Ga. -- Then in a new post, do a lead that is not a repeat of the paragraph on the homepage. Assume the reader did not read the paragraph on the homepage.
            Asdf;ksdal; f’ksasl f;sa;f sad/

Alsdkf ;’sa sl;af ks;ad lf

            After three or four graphs, put in a short subhead.

Subhead one

            Then keep going with the story. If you refer to the sidebar topic, turn the reference into a link to your sidebar. If you refer to a company or a nonprofit or an article that you want to make your external link, then be sure to turn the name or the phrase into a link to the company’s website or the article itself.

            Slakdf ;’sakf sdl;a k’sa

Flowers (photo by google)

Asdlf k’asdl;fk as;dflksa

            As;dlfk sa’dfl; k;sal f

Adsl;fk s’adl;f ka;sdlf

            As;ldfk ‘sal;df ks’dl;a

Subhead two
            Asdfk ;sadfk a;sl fasd; ;fsda

Headline for sidebar one

DATELINE, Ga. – You don’t have to give yourself a byline if the story is less than 300 words. Put the sidebar in a new post as well. Assume that your reader did not read the main story. Reintroduce your interviewees. Tell them again the main topic in a short sentence or two. And make sure you have a nut graph that tells them the point of the sidebar.

            Asdf kl;’ asd fl;ka;’sldf 

Tuesday, July 11, 2017


The sentence describing the story. Maybe two sentences. No more than that.
I really don’t want a lot here.

Headline for the main story

            DATELINE, Ga. -- Then in a new post, do a lead that is not a repeat of the paragraph on the homepage. Assume the reader did not read the paragraph on the homepage.
            Asdf;ksdal; f’ksasl f;sa;f sad/

Alsdkf ;’sa sl;af ks;ad lf

            After three or four graphs, put in a short subhead.

Subhead one

Flowers (photo by Google Images)
            Then keep going with the story. If you refer to the sidebar topic, turn the reference into a link to your sidebar. If you refer to a company or a nonprofit or an article that you want to make your external link, then be sure to turn the name or the phrase into a link to the company’s website or the article itself.

            Slakdf ;’sakf sdl;a k’sa

Asdlf k’asdl;fk as;dflksa

            As;dlfk sa’dfl; k;sal f

Adsl;fk s’adl;f ka;sdlf

            As;ldfk ‘sal;df ks’dl;a

Subhead two
            Asdfk ;sadfk a;sl fasd; ;fsda

Headline for sidebar one

            DATELINE, Ga. – You don’t have to give yourself a byline if the story is less than 300 words. Put the sidebar in a new post as well. Assume that your reader did not read the main story. Reintroduce your interviewees. Tell them again the main topic in a short sentence or two. And make sure you have a nut graph that tells them the point of the sidebar.

            Asdf kl;’ asd fl;ka;’sldf